Feijoa fruits

The fruits of feijoa

The fruits of feijoa (Acca sellowiana or used to be Feijoa sellowiana) are ripe and falling to the ground right now (see the second picture). A few are still on the bush (upper picture). The fruits are oval in shape and green in color. It is really hard to tell if they are ripe. So, I just let them fall from the bush and collect the fruits. Feijoa fruits have a very unique fragrance and flavor, kind like tropical guava with distinct taste. Unlike guava, the skin is hard. So, I usually cut the fruits in halves and scoop out the white flesh with a spoon.

I have a single bush for 2 years and it is the first year it has fruited, although it flowered last year without fruits. The flowers are quite pretty and edible. The petals are quite sweet, almost like candy. The leaves are grey green on top and silvery underneath, suggesting feijoa is quite drought tolerant and I have seen people using it as a hedge. The plant is facing east with afternoon shade and seemed to grow quite well. It does have any significant pest problems or disease except some aphids in the spring when the new leaves start to grow. A strong spray of water usually takes care of the aphids.

Overall, feijoa is a low maintenance plant with good foliage, beautiful and edible flowers, and delicious fruits. What a gem.


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